This e-book Relations, Authority & Deadlock in Negotiation has been designed to create awareness around relationship issues entering any negotiation. A practical guide, which highlights the most important aspects to be successful in negotiating to achieve your business goals. I wish you all the financial prosperity you will achieve with the help and material presented in this e-book.
In Negotiations you need to be well aware of the social relations and how authority can influence the outcome of Negotiations. A thorough preparation provides the right basis to effectively conduct a Business Negotiation to a result.
If you want to define “trust” in a relationship, one way to experience this concept is the following:
“Trust is accepting your own vulnerability and opening up, based upon your belief and expectation, that the other party will behave as anticipated, and muster up the courage to walk along with you in an uncertain process.”
So trust is beyond ‘belief’. Trust presumes a risk and getting out of your comfort zone. Trust without yet knowing all the facts can end in that the potential inception losses are greater, than the future potential rewards. Having trust and courage also encourages you to cut your losses early.
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“In technology companies you are constantly working on the structure and optimisation of processes. This e-book has helped me a lot on how to shape a Negotiation from a relationship building perspective. Not only does this ensure that the processes function optimally, but also achieves long-term relationship with stakeholders.”
Gabor – Chief Technology Officer