This e-book Negotiation Strategies & Tactics has been designed to elaborate on essential Expert Negotiation Skills. A practical guide, which highlights the most important aspects to be successful in Negotiating to achieve your business goals. I wish you all the financial prosperity you will achieve with the help and material presented in this e-book.
Contract and Business Negotiation skills are essential to closing a major financial deal. Be Coached by an Effective Negotiator for the right Negotiation Strategy and corresponding Tactics.
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Former U.S. president Abraham Lincoln was more than right on his approach of chopping down a tree. Preparation is everything. If you only read one sentence from this e-book, remember that the best negotiation strategy for a potential deal is allocating most of your time to ‘preparation’. As you get more insight into your goals, the interests of the stakeholders, your alternatives for the deal and the alternatives of the other parties, you will be able to start the dialogue with a clear mind. This will save you a lot of time, energy and resources and will help you perform the negotiation process efficiently and effectively.
Need help with Contract, Price and Business Negotiations to seal a major financial deal? Hire an Effective Negotiator for Negotiations Strategies. Book our Business Coaching session now
“The deepening of knowledge about Negotiation Strategies and Tactics has provided me with the insight to be able to conduct effective Business Negotiations well prepared.”
Peter – Business Manager e-Commerce