20% DISCOUNT on this Ultimate Collection of 8 e-books on Negotiation intended for entrepreneurs, professionals and other interested parties to achieve Effective Negotiations in any business deal. They serve initially to teach basic Negotiation Skills. With the more advanced e-books you develop Negotiation Strategies, in which you grow into an Expert Negotiator. Each e-book is a practical guide that highlights the key aspects to successfully Negotiate and achieve your business goals. I wish you all the financial prosperity that you will achieve with the help and material presented in these e-books.
High-Quality Agreements. Every human being is looking for high-quality agreements in life. The kind of deals that cost the least amount of energy, and get you all the money and abundance you were aiming for. But how do you reach these agreements? What issues do you need to take into account? At least, be aware of the top five traits and features that lead to high-quality agreements. Relationship building, rationality, reputation, stability and efficiency. Bright Focus Effective Negotiations e-books help you achieve your goals.

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