Your personality has taken you to where you are, but it also ensures that the outcome of business negotiations can be at stake. In this blog explanation about personality types and negotiation techniques to help you.
Business Negotiations – Personality Types:
01 An avoidant personality
If you suffer from conflict avoidance, in negotiations you probably simply ignore the problems in front of you. This way, you don’t have to deal with any negative outcomes.
02 Mr. Nice personality
If you favor friendship, because you want that everybody likes you, in negotiations you are likely to give away more value than you should.
03 A confronting personality
If you have a confronting personality, in negotiations you are likely to use a competitive style and take a firm stand. You know what you want and are out there to get it on your terms.
Negotiation Techniques
01 Extreme demands
For all personality types making extreme demands is only useful if the information about the value of the business is limited for all parties. If the market information is available, send out extreme demands you will only make a fool out of yourself.
02 Negotiating concessions
Making your concessions during ‘give and take’ part of the negotiations narrower and narrower sends out a clear message. There is not much out there they get from you.
03 Commitment and authority
If your opponent says he doesn’t have the authority to commit to a deal, you are talking to the wrong person. Always negotiate with a person with the highest authority and know upfront how long it takes to get an approval cleared.
04 Take-it-or-leave-it negotiation strategy
First of all, recognize the ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ negotiation strategy is a clear threat. Therefore, be skeptical about these claims and investigate them closely.
05 Splitting the difference
Fair play dictates our culture, that is if both sides give equally, then it’s fair. But the only thing fairness means depend on the opening negotiation positions that each side took. Splitting the difference can be a habit you can change easy.
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