Biases in Business Negotiations. Despite the fact that everyone thinks that they work rationally in business negotiations, the opposite is often the case. Even if there is a lot at stake financially, nothing human is strange to us. We cannot discern facts from subjective reality and burst from the prejudices that prevent a possibly favorable agreement. In the attached infographic I have listed ... Read more
Business Negotiations
Quality Negotiations or tug-of-war battle?
Tug-of-war battle. If you have a Mr. Nice personality type, you shy away from hardball negotiation tactics. You just want to play it and save the other party happy. As long as the negotiation result is good for both of you, everyone can go their own way. But if you are the confronting type, you are always looking for the next battle to feel alive. No such thing as a wasted fight. Both ... Read more
Framing in Business Negotiations
Negotiations simulation. I am a big believer in lifelong learning to be a better business negotiator. To discipline yourself and keep developing your negotiation skills in theory and practice, sharpens your knife for battle. Especially in training simulations, you get opportunities you normally do not encounter in real life. Just to try out different negotiation strategies that are out of your ... Read more
Business Negotiations: Preparation
Negotiations mapping. After some initial thoughts and phone calls you drive to a meeting to negotiate a major business venture. The negotiation is important to you, but being busy with daily operations, you lacked the time to discuss the deal with your board members and advisors. Being busy themselves with other projects, you don’t see how your board members can add any value, not the least to ... Read more
Emotions in Business Negotiations
The business deal of your life! You are striving to realize the business deal of your life. For some readers the tension is about earning a couple of thousand, for others a multibillion deal. The size of the deal doesn't matter. What is important is that it is a huge matter to you. Every bit of your time and energy is put into this effort to make a financial success. You think you have gathered ... Read more